Marta Magalhães Coelho

Amateur Photographer


Get to know me

My name is Marta Magalhães Coelho, I live in Portugal. I work as an assistant, as I have a degree in Consultancy and Translation, and I'm currently taken my master's in E-Business. I like what I do, and I have this need to keep on learning and know more and more.

Things I Love

I love to read, I love to write. I love to take pictures. I'm far from being a professional, but I adore to take my Canon out for a run. I love music, I live music, I breathe music. I adore black and white pictures, but not my ones, I don't know why, I only like my pictures with lots of contrast, like the one you see below. I adore it. At this time I'm taking a coding workshop and, must say, I'm loving it. Never thought that I would enjoy this so much.


Where I wanna Go

Right now, I'm focusing on graduating from my Master's Degree, and finish SheCodes Pro. Then, most likely I'll be taking some post-graduation, I saw two that I liked Branding and Cybersecurity. There's a slight change that I might be doing both (simultaneously!). My main purpose is to find a job in IT. Never thought that I would love Computers so much, I like editing pictures, videos, now I found out that I like to code. I think with these two post-graduation,  I'll be able to be a good asset to any IT company.

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